Friday, September 30, 2011

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 26)

7 quick takes sm1 7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 144)

1) I started teaching CCD (religious education) last week. I'm teaching the pre-k/kindergarten class. The little kids are very cute, but I'm realizing that teaching the wee ones is very different from teaching middle/high school. I mean, I knew (intellectually) that teaching them would be a whole new world, but actually having them in a classroom really hit home that fact. I think what I'll have to do is create the most simplistic lesson plan I can think of, then make the most simplistic lesson plan from that lesson plan that I can. Perhaps we'll watch a little Veggie Tales next week :)

2) Joseph rolled over for the first time this week! I had him down for some tummy time on Tuesday and he turned his head to the side then slowly but surely work his little legs and hips over...and he rolled!! I'm so proud of him! Will tried to get him to roll again when he got home, but was unsuccessful :( We'll have to work on the whole rolling thing so Will can see it, too :)

3) No words can describe this kind of cuteness. 

4) I have no idea what to do with all of Joseph's little momentos. I want to save all the cards he's received, our hospital bands, etc but I can't decide how to store them. So right now they're sitting in various piles throughout the house. I want to put them all in one place so they're organized and not cluttering up the place. I think I might just get a plastic bin to put everything in...or maybe a cute box. But, I want whatever I do for him to be something I can follow through with with any more kids we have. So, something simple seems like it would be best.

5) Last week lettuce/salad was on sale ($1/bag!), so I bought a bunch of it. Needless to say, I've been eating a lot of salads this week. I'm surprised both by how filling and unfilling salads are. Does that make any sense? I guess what I mean is that I expect them not to satisfy me at all, but they satisfy me more than I expect. So, they're more filling than anticipated, but still not filling enough for a full meal (or maybe it's just me thinking they're not filling enough).

6) With the new season on Extreme Couponing starting this week my interest in couponing has returned - yet again. I feel like this is something I should take the time to learn for the future (you know, when we have a bunch of kids to feed and not much money to feed them with). I know it's going to take some time to learn, so I figure if I start now then maybe I'll be fairly proficient at it in a year or two. I think I'll start with staples we use regularly - pasta, pasta sauce, cereal, potato chips and juice (and maybe a few others). We don't have an extra freezer yet, so I'll hold off on stockpiling the frozen goods for now :) If you know anything about couponing and would like to offer some tips I'd be happy to hear them. I only get one newspaper a week with coupons, but am thinking about ordering the Sunday paper for coupons as well. Would it be worth the money?

7) Joseph is learning how to read at the tender age of 2 1/2 months. His first book? The Bible, of course  - well, the kids version anyway :)


Elsa said...

Betsy, That tie onesie is sooo cute! And thank you for the comment you posted on my blog. I couldn't get the reply to work, but I'll keep trying.

Sharon said...

He is so adorable, Betsy! I can't believe how big he is getting. As for the memento storage--AC Moore has some really cute boxes on sale this week. I think they call them scrapbooking boxes, but they could hold anything and you can label the ends.

Lucy The Valiant said...

TIE ONSIE! That's some seriously cute stuff, there!

Unknown said...

That picture is ADORABLE!!!!! He's so darn cute!

Also - I was a bit of an extreme couponer around this time last year. I grabbed a few of the free Gazette's every Wednesday and kept the coupon packets piled according to date. Then, I would use the websites like A Thrifty Mom to find the Giant or Safeway deals of the week. If something went below 50% of it's normal cost, I was all over it!! Now I just shop at Costco or buy products through my local Food Club so I don't coupon anymore. But if you have any questions, email me!