Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Why Pregnancy Rocks - Part 2

I have more reasons to add to my list of why pregnancy rocks, so I decided to make a second post for them. I'm trying to stay positive even when my back hurts - that's my main complaint these days. I just wish I could sit for any period of time without my back hurting. Alas, if that's all I have to complain about then I think I'm doing pretty good.
Some of the items on this list I thought of shortly after I posted my last post about why pregnancy rocks, but for whatever reason didn't add them. Other items I have thought of or experienced recently.

Why Pregnancy Rocks - Part 2

- Pregnancy means taking part in the creation of another human being. Another soulHow awesome is that? What a blessing it is to be able to join God in the creation of another life!

- Being pregnant means I was able to get pregnant. Many couples struggle with infertility, so the simple fact that I can get pregnant is something to be joyful about. I try to remember all those women who have struggled or are struggling with infertility when I feel like complaining about something pregnancy related and offer up my pain or discomfort for them (although I don't always succeed in doing this - my selfishness often gets in the way).

- People seem to be extra kind to pregnant women. I've had people offer me their seats on the metro, and this past weekend I had no less than 4 offers for a ticket for a seat at a graduation I went to (there was limited seating). Many people have offered to help me carry bags or anything slightly bulky, and they've been accommodating when I've asked for help. I had to do this when buying a tv stand at Target - one of the workers helped me both load the tv stand in my cart and get it into my car. If only everyone was this kind to all strangers all the time! Can you imagine what a wonderful, inviting place this world would be?

- Being pregnant means you have a deadline, and this is a good thing. I've gotten so much accomplished since I've been pregnant. So many unfinished projects have been finished. And so many other projects that need to be completed have been properly noted and added to my to-do list. I love that I get to make so many lists and that I've gotten to check off so many of the items on these lists.

- You get to keep people in suspense. Not that Will and I have done this - we've already told both the sex of our baby and his name. But you can withhold such information if you so desire (some people withhold this information longer than others). I guess that could be kind of fun, but we've enjoyed sharing the news early!

Is there anything about pregnancy that you particularly enjoyed? I'd love to hear from you!

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