I've recently gotten into reading Jennifer Fulwiler's blog: www.conversiondiary.com. She hosts (so to speak) "7 Quick Takes Friday" each week. I've been thinking about trying it out and decided I'd take the plunge this week. I make no promises about whether I'll keep up with this, but I'll try. Here we go :)
1) This past Sunday Will and I had a couple friends over for lunch. I cooked Chicken Tiki Masala (blog post coming soon!) - a recipe my Uncle Joe recently gave me. It's an Indian dish, and I had never had Indian food before (don't ask me how this happened), so I was a little nervous about making it but it turned out really well. After making that recipe I've decided I'm going to (try to) be more careful about which recipes I blog about and only post the best ones.
2) I went to the March for Life on Monday and joined somewhere between 300,000-350,000 people marching to protect life. Woohoo! It was ridiculously cold, but definitely worth it. My favorite chant/cheer that I heard while I was there went something like this:
"Hey O'bama, yo mama,
yo mama chose life!"
How true. I also learned the staggering statistic that 61% of all African American pregnancies in NYC end in abortion. And something like 40% of all pregnancies in NYC end in abortion.
I also found it interesting that although I have seen them the past few years I didn't see any counter-protesters this year.
Here's to the over 53,000,000 (yes, that's 53 million) lives that have been lost since Roe v. Wade.
3) A friend recently asked me, "at what point are you no longer an amateur housewife." This is a good question, and I'm not sure I'll ever not be an amateur. Although, I guess I'll soon become a "stay-at-home mom" which may constitute grounds for my no longer being an amateur, but we'll see. Anyone have thoughts on this one?
4) This past Wednesday the DC area got a lot of snow. We knew the snow was coming, but weren't prepared for how it would affect the commute home - and by "we" I mean "me." I babysat Alexis as I usually do on Wednesdays so I actually had a commute to think about. It took me nearly 4 hours to get home when it should only take anywhere from 25 mins (when there isn't much traffic) to an hour (if it's rush hour). Alas, the snow slowed everyone down. And there were SO MANY cars stuck on the sides of the road. These were mostly of the "luxury" variety - Lexus, BMW, etc. My trusty little Mazda3 made it just fine until I got to our driveway...
you can't really see my car, but it got stuck at the end of the driveway (if you look closely it's at the end of that little path my husband dug out). It only made it about halfway onto the driveway - the rest of my car was sticking out in the street. Luckily, my husband came to the rescue and shoveled my half of the driveway (after making me an omelet for dinner!) so I could get in - mind you it was 10pm when he was doing all this shoveling.
Even after he shoveled I had to make my car rock back and forth before it would finally get over the hump of snow it was already on. Thank goodness for stick shifts!
5) I just ate 2 bowls of ice cream after reading this post. It was delicious.
6) I went to my first official second trimester doctor's visit and baby Rayel seems to be doing well. I also scheduled our sonogram for finding out the sex of the baby - March 1 - mark it on your calendars :) Oh...and yes, we do plan on finding out the sex of the baby. I am way too much of a planner for all that "surprise" stuff.
7) Shortly after my doctor's appointment I bought my first pair of maternity pants. It was weird having the thighs of my pants "fit" again, since I'm now so used to wearing pants that are a size or two too large. I haven't yet brought myself to take the tags off, I'm debating if I really want to start wearing them yet...
Woohoo! I just finished my first "7 Quick Takes" ever!