Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Years Resolution Update #1

It's February 1. That means we're one twelfth of the way through the year and I'm one twelfth of the way done with my new years resolution.
The first couple weeks without sweets were pretty hard, although I'm fairly used to it now. But that doesn't mean that I never crave sweets anymore - it just means I don't crave them many times a day every day anymore. I also think not having any sweets in the house is helping. A lot.
I've already lost about 3 pounds (woohoo!), and I hope to continue to lose weight/inches so I can finally fit back into my pre-pregnancy clothes. At least I can now get several of my pre-pregnancy pants on (well, my fat pants anyway). They don't exactly fit, but I can get them on. And that's better than where I was a month ago. I'll take what I can get.
I've also been pretty good about exercising a few times a week. Joseph and I are enjoying our swimming class on Fridays, and I meet up with a friend to work out on Tuesdays. I also try to take a walk with Joseph at least one or two times during the week. So, even though exercising wasn't an official part of my new years resolution I have been trying to incorporate more exercise into my weekly routine to help with the "fit back into my pre pregnancy clothes" goal.

How are you doing with your resolution? If you've already derailed, get back on the train - it's not too late!


Elsa said...

Good job! I for one look forward to getting back into my spring and summer clothes that I haven't worn for 2 years!

Liz said...

That's awesome, Betsy! Keep up the great work! I have a goal I set for myself that just so happened to start around January 1st (New Year's Resolutions and I don't bode well) which is to exercise 30 minutes four times a week. So far, so good. I've been doing one of three things: walking, yoga videos, or a dance party for one in my living room. :)

Unknown said...

Nicely done!! Those swimming classes sound awesome. I always just work out in front of my tv but I can't wait to take walks outside every day again! I didn't even make a resolution this year. In fact, I never even entertained the idea. If I can get through a day at this point, it's a miracle!! However, I am really looking forward to continuing our healthy "real foods" eating experiment. Since the food is all from scratch, the only snacks I ever have around are cheese, fruit and nuts. I barely gained 20 lbs this pregnancy and I'm hoping losing the weight will be something that I have to think about a little less. (Except for the wine...that's going to get me - always does post-baby!!)

Lucy The Valiant said...

Good for you! It's so hard to ignore cravings like that, especially at first. You rock!