Sunday, February 26, 2012

My Belated Lent Post

I meant to write this post a while ago, but I forgot we would be out of town the week Lent started and didn't plan ahead. Alas. For Lent my husband and I are giving up most of our internet time. We'll only be checking email, weather and anything else deemed "necessary." This means no Facebook, blogs, etc.
We're making Sunday a day of rest - so I hope to write a post or two each Sunday then schedule them to post during the week.
I'm looking forward to having extra time to read. I'm hoping to get through some good spiritual/religious books. Right now I'm reading "The Little Flower: The Story of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus" by Mary Fabyan Windeatt. Next I plan on reading "A Father Who Keeps His Promises" by Scott Hahn.
Beyond that I don't have too much of a set plan.
I hope Lent is off to a good start for everyone.

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