1) He is Risen! Truly, He is Risen! I hope everyone had a blessed Holy Week and Easter. Will and I had a fairly relaxing Easter weekend at home. We went to mass early on Sunday morning in an attempt to avoid a mass that was too crowded then headed over to some friends' apartment for Easter lunch. We had a nice time and I really enjoyed seeing some of my friends back in Annapolis!
2) You know those ads that say stuff like "1 Tip to a Flat Belly" or "Click here for ancient secret for a flat belly?" Yea. Well, every time I see one of those ads I feel like saying "OOHHH!!! ME!! PICK ME! I KNOW! DON'T GET PREGNANT!!!" But, I'm pretty sure that isn't the tip or secret they're willing to share with you if you click on that link.
3) I ran into this while doing laundry last week.
At least I'm not afraid of killing spiders :)
4) These beauties came out in time for Holy Week!
They've been so nice to drive home to. They lasted until earlier this week when heavy rainstorms took a toll on the petals. And, yes, one day I will (err...my husband will) move those bags of potting soil :)
5) I watched my very first episode of "Extreme Couponing" this week. It was a little insane. I've started to try to use coupons more often, but find I forget about the ones I have until they've already expired. I'm working on coming up with a system for organizing my coupons, but it just takes so much time and energy that I'm not sure it's really worth it. I use coupons when I remember, but don't freak out if I forget.
6) This weekend is chock full of awesome events! First, there's the royal wedding which I'm actually not ALL that interested in, but I'm sure I'll poke around some of the photos that get published. Then I get to see my niece/goddaughter get baptized and meet her for the first time. And last, but certainly not least, is the beatification of Pope John Paul II. Lots to look forward to! Yay for weekends!
7) My favorite Facebook post of the week goes to Emily - in honor of all the birthday's that happened in her house this week. Both she and her two daughters have birthday's within 5 days of each other (and her brother-in-law is thrown in somewhere pretty close as well). How awesome is that!? She had several posts that made me smile, but I think I liked this one the best:
"holy moly, two 1-year olds for the next 36 hours. im that mom!"