1) I'm officially due one month from today! That's a little crazy to think about. But Will and I are excited and ready to meet our son whenever it is he decides to make his grand appearance.
Joseph is going to have the most stylin' diapers on the block. I'm so excited to get started using them. How will I decide which color to put on him first? ...I guess I shouldn't agonize over that too much as I'm sure he'll have the opportunity to try out each and every color on a daily basis for a while :)
3) I told you about our dusty vent earlier this week, but what I didn't mention is that I also got around to dusting our baseboards. You see...it never really occurred to me that baseboards needed dusting on any kind of regular basis. Sure, I dust the baseboards in the bathrooms when I clean the bathroom floor. But none of the other baseboards in our house had been touched - until last weekend, that is (except for maybe a quick wipe down in preparation for painting). Needless to say, they were pretty gross. I'm glad I got around to cleaning them before the baby arrives, sticks his little hands all over those dust/dirt covered baseboards and then sticks those same adorable hands in his mouth! I also decided while in the midst of crouching down to clean all those blasted baseboards that this would be a great chore for little people, and may very well be Joseph's first assigned chore when he gets older.
4) This is the first week in nearly a year that I didn't babysit little Alexis. It was a little weird. My days were all thrown off, and I miss her adorable self. But, I did get a fair amount done around the house and had extra time to relax. I also was able to finally schedule those appointments with pediatricians and run some long distance-ish errands. Although, I have yet to find the energy to put together that TV stand for the basement....maybe next week.
5) Last weekend Will and I got together with some friends and had a Greek feast. Each couple contributed a dish. We (read "I") decided to bring stuffed grape leaves. Until Saturday I had never in my life made stuffed grape leaves. It was an experience to say the least (in a good way!). Keep your eye out for a post detailing this adventure soon!
6) I had my first pediatric/prenatal consultation yesterday. The visit went well. I really liked the doctor and the practice. During my "consultation" I brought up some concerns I have regarding vaccines - most of which I have already talked over with my dad (also a pediatrician). I thought some of you might be interested in an article my dad wrote regarding the connections between four vaccines our children get and abortion (4 standard vaccines given to children are grown on aborted fetal lung cell tissue). In the article he discusses an ethical alternative for one of these vaccines. For a more complete explanation you can check out his article here.
7) My favorite Facebook post of the week goes to Dave. I liked this post for a couple reasons: 1) "Do the Right Thing" was filmed in Bed-Stuy where I lived for a year while volunteering with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, so I *heart* that movie, and 2) he's totally right, the heat has been insane this week.
"Man, that is some Do The Right Thing type heat out there..."
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