Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Nine months and still going strong

A lot of women get fed up with pregnancy by the ninth month. And a lot of people in general seem to assume that I would naturally fall into that category. But the truth is, I'm still enjoying the pregnancy - I still feel pretty good. I still don't have any major complaints. There's nothing about this pregnancy that bothers me so much that I want it to just be over already. I think my biggest complaint/nuisance throughout the whole thing has been my back pain, but even that has been manageable. I just have to limit the amount of time I'm sitting throughout the day in order to control the pain  (I've had upper back pain - sitting relieves lower back pain, but seems to exacerbate my upper back pain).
Even a foot in the rib doesn't bother me too much - although it can be a bit painful. And I already feel like I'm getting a glimpse of his personality. For example, last week he had his foot in my rib so I pushed him down as I always do when he's in my rib, but this time he pushed back! Holy cow! We went at it for a couple minutes. It was crazy to me that he actually fought back (in a way) like he was saying "no mom, I want my foot there" and I had to respond by saying "sorry buddy, but you can't have it there."
I still love feeling the baby kick, and in the past month or so he has started getting hiccups, which is kind of cute.
I also enjoy going to my doctor's appointments because I get more updates (they're weekly now and are looking for signs of your body preparing for labor). I can't wait to meet our sweet baby, but I'm also in no rush. He can take as long as he wants to finish baking in there. I'm pretty sure I'm going to miss being pregnant once he comes. But by that time I'll probably be too busy and sleep deprived to think about what it was even like having him inside me. So, I think I'll just take these last few days (weeks?) to enjoy being pregnant and try not to worry too much about when he'll make his appearance.

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